Summer Travels

We had splendid Una Vida weeks in both, May and June, this time helping some of the expats to get uncorked, which was a revelatory experience for all. Now we’re on a break to travel the world.

In July, Vica is off to Mantova, Italy with her daughter for master classes in cello and violin, respectively. The violinist kid, not yet 13, will have a unique opportunity to perform with a full orchestra (!) - for the first time in her life - on the stage of the historical Bibiena Teatro Scientifico, famous for hosting Mozart who performed on the piano here to the full house, when he was not quite 14.

In August, Vica, Jerry and Radel will be traveling to Colombia and Peru, to celebrate two birthdays, one love, and three friendships.

Una Vida is back for the week of September 10-17. Come play with us!


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